How do you fashion your sleeves?
Maybe with layers of shirts, jackets or jewelry
That showcases your reach.
How about your solid wrists that are underneath them?
But do your sleeves let air in
Or are they shut to prevent exposure?
My grandmother and mother after her, would put
Tissues up her sleeve to be used later
To blow her nose or throw out her gum.
Years ago, did your child or friend tug at your sleeve to get
Your undivided attention and a reminder of
Your acceptance of them?
Nowadays, a few things tug at my sleeves.
My children, my husband, my family and friends
And also my heart and then mind,
Which sets a course for the day
Rather slow or fast and has a path I can direct only so much.
I want my sleeves to stand for something.
I want them to encase my wrists and hands with a purpose.
I want to be led by the sleeves to honesty, balance and joy.
And when sorrow and pain come tugging, I want to be prepared
To greet them, knowing this too I can endure.

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